Saturday 2 August 2014

Will political march bring back community spirit?

We've all seen it. We've all seen the images of the conflict currently happening in Gaza... It's just that some or most of us are good at switching off and not thinking about it. We turn the news of, onto a programme such as Emmerdale or Eastenders or we just choose to see what we want to see... In recent weeks I've been following snippets, with what is happening in Gaza and it is scary... Children and familes are being tortured and horrifically killed, due to what? It doesn't bare thinking about... I'm not a parent, however I have seen many photographs of children who have been killed due to this war. Children, no matter what religion, colour, age, gender ect do not deserve to be brutally murdered in this way... No one does!!
Instead of thinking about the next way to attack you'd think they'd be thinking about trying to come to some kind of haul and try and stop this awful conflict.

However I am not writing this post to try to explain something I don't even understand myself... I am witting to discuss what I saw today, which made me think a lot about community! I was in Kirkcaldy town center today with my friend, having a spot of lunch where, we saw people marching for Gaza, shouting the words "Viva Viva Palestina".  In this instance I did not know it was 700 people marching! I did not know why they were marching, with many of us thinking "Why are they marching here?" "What will that prove?".
 I did however see many people shocked, and looking away while walking in the other direction going into shops and towards car parks. I escaped into a shop, its a instant thing...Especially when there is a huge crowd of people marching, with police escorts. I found it quite intimidating. Even as I write this blog post I feel really bad and horrified that I felt that way.

But if I felt that intimated with that going on, how must people of Gaza feel? They're world is turned upside down with no where to escape to... It makes you really think about how much we switch off and escape from what is happening on the other side of the world.

Those people who were marching today were proud to be Scottish! Those people today pulled together as a COMMUNITY. A word we don't hear very much anymore, a word that is quickly losing its meaning!   Despite the weather not being in everyone's favor today, NO ONE LEFT! They marched from Beveridge park to the town center, with a stop for a moments silence near Nicol St. I just can't believe it, that there is people standing up for what they believe in and I for one think its great! They sent a clear message of support to people in Palestine.

I also think it is interesting to learn local MP's have support for the people of Gaza, with showing "Small gestures" such as replacing the Saltire flag with the Palestine one for a week, at Fife House. Peter Locheart also has thought of other gestures such as removing all Israeli products from the canteen to be undertaken.

At least we, as a nation can pull together and help raise awareness to what is happening over there and hopefully put a stop to this nightmare for many! 

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