Thursday 18 July 2013

Communication is the key!

Hey guys!

Haven't written for a while, with a lot going on in the last month. I've started writing another story which is all hush hush. When I start writing more, I may put teasers on like what I did with "True Love". I never did finish that though and I am very confident that I will be finishing this one. Determination is the key as they say!

However I'm not writing this blog to talk about me (makes a change eh?). I am writing this because over the years I have formed a great friendship with someone who has depression. For you who have listened to a few of my "Cally's Corner" radio shows you'll know who I'm speaking do fondly of. I won't mention his name but he will know who he is :)... I hope! Anyway... He writes poetry to express how he is feeling and through an article just accidentally stumbled across, I shared it with him as he also writes blogs on depression but I wanted to share this with you also.

I found an article which talks about taking a "Sabbatical from depression". Now for anyone who doesn't know what a sabbatical actually is, its a "rest or break from work". This article talks about taking a break from everything and just having, shelter, food and water. You know like every day basics. I won't go into it a lot as I'm going to link it for you to read yourself.

Unless you've had depression, you can't imagine what it's like. I know I struggle to imagine what it feels like. Any of us can say "I just feel depressed today". But for someone with depression its a every day thing. They feel like this every day and I guess it's just took for me to read some poetry to realize this earlier  tonight and it got me thinking. How can people express how they feel? I know a lot of people who are dealing with it that don't like to to talk about it with loved ones in case they upset them and often can they push the people who care away.

If you're feeling down or depressed, and don't know how to express how your feeling, scribble it down. You don't need to publish it or anything. Just by a pad or open word on your computer and start writing. I know when I've had a bad day or I'm stressed, writing helps me. Take up a hobby to keep your mind occupied. Turn your phone of, switch facebook and twitter off, press that dreaded shut down button on your PC and relax. Take a bath, watch a DVD.
I know it's hard to imagine switching your phone of or putting facebook out of sight... It scares me too don't worry, but even I manage it...Sometimes! 

I'm no therapist, and I'm certainly not telling anyone what to do. I just want at least one person who reads this to take away what I've just learned... You need time for yourself once in a while to recharge the batteries, rest and concentrate on YOU!!!

The poetry I read was of my friends  which described the way he was feeling. It sent chills down my spine because I knew it was honest. You don't often get me speechless and this has left me not knowing what to say apart from this blog. I just want people to know your not the only one going through this. You have your family and your friends supporting you through this and they can help you deal with it better.

If you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask :)    - the page I came across about the sabbatical. 

Another blog will follow as I have promised myself I will keep my writing... 

This blog is not meaning to cause harm or offence to anyone it is just expressing my views and what I have learned over the years on the topic through my friends. I hope one day there will be more awerness for mental health issues :) 

Cally-Marie xxx

Saturday 22 June 2013

Don't let anyone put you down!

Hello Gorgeous!

Teenagers have it hard in the world today  don't they? I mean they think that if their not skinny enough or if their hair isn't perfect, or if they haven't got the latest fashions they aren't perfect enough.

Your teens (so I've been told) is the best years of you life, but is it really? Your going through changes and just figuring out who you are.

 People think they are or aren't perfect, and before you can see anything imperfections in yourself people already pick up on it and can make you even more self conscious.

 But the question I am going to ask is...  Who is responsible for this questioning in young people's mind?

I personally think it's the media's responsibility. I wrote a blog earlier on last year about a clothing company ditching models and using computer software to model there clothes... really? Should this be allowed to go on for young girls to starve themselves and become a size 0 which is really unhealthy.

I was told that the "perfect healthy size" is a size 12/14 (UK sizing)... Now I personally agree with this, but I know a lot of people who won't agree with this and say that is "fat". Nonsense.

Women and Men (I know men have issues with looking good too I've not forgot about you guys), are constantly seeing glossy magazines with flawless celebrities looking "mighty fine", or a tagline with someone moaning about their weight when there's nothing of them.

I really know in the bottom of my heart, nothing will ever change unless more people stand up and notice what is going on here. Do we have celebrities as  role models or we find someone who has actually made a impact on someones life and think "wow that person is totally inspiring".?

I guess what I'm trying to say is you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself, no matter what size you are ect... No body's perfect after all... Are they?

Over and out 

Cally-Marie xox

This is not the end, its only the beginning!

Hello there gorgeous!

I was just thinking to myself that I keep promising to keep the blog up and I never do so I thought I'd rattle out a blog and see if I can keep it up every week on two weeks on whatever I can...

I've just finished my HND radio and what can I say? It was a blast, I learned so much and made long lasting friendships who I hope to keep in contact with. (Facebook is a wonderful thing!)... I hope to know get into the world of work which is easier said than done I'll tell you that much. But I want to reiterate somethings I learned at college, which I hope will help you:

1) Never be scared to be yourself! 
     People can be so judgmental, but don't let anyone put you down. Being different is GOOD!! One of my tutors said that there were not two people alike in our class, and it was a good thing as we could all bounce of each others personalities even though we were so different. 

2) Don't let anyone tell you that you "can't do something"
     I'm sick to death of this word "can't" it should be banned. If you have the determination to do                            something and you know you can do, then DO IT! Don't sit around talking about, because then people can talk you out of it. 

3) Confidence 
     If you don't have confidence then that's cool, but you need to work on it. Nothing or no one can bring your confidence. Sure they can help you but its all up to you... I never thought in  a millions years I'd be able to go live in front of a radio mic and talk but I tried it (and loved it). 

I have been on a whirlwind of a journey and its been great! There's been downs but there's been the most amazing ups and I have memories I will treasure forever. This isn't the end now I've finished college, this is only the beginning...

Over and out, 
Cally-Marie xox