Tuesday 15 March 2011

Fired over Japan Disaster!

It has been reported that Gilbert Gottfried was fired by Aflac. The Aflac star who does the voice of the duck on the Aflack commecial had put jokes about the disater on Twitter! The insurance company wasn't impressed with the jokes on the Japanesse disaster and fired Gottfried.

However apparently Gottfried knew he was in the wrong and removed the tweets but however it was too late because The Huffington Post picked up on the blogs.

Myself I think this is shocking to even think of making jokes of it by speech nevermind broadcasting it on the internet! I wouldn't of thought this was a laughing matter to be honest with you.

A photo of the devistaion left behind!
These graphics are shocking and I just don't see how people can still see the "humour". For example when typing into google the word "Japan" the third suggestion down is "Japan Tsunami Jokes", why would anyone actually want to make jokes about this devastation where people have lost lives, homes and familys I just hope you would think before you speak when it come to a subject as serious as this!

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