Tuesday 17 May 2011

Beauty... When is it too much?

Today I read the most horrific thing I have ever read when it comes to beauty and looking good. A mother in America (originally from Birmingham, England) had been giving her eight year old daughter botox injections. Her mother admitted this on the Good Morning show and said she was carrying out the treatments to help her daughter become more competitive in beauty pageants. Her daughter had said that the injections hurt her, but she didn't want any wrinkles! Now this is ridiculous, how many eighteen year olds have wrinkles nevemind eight year olds! I don't understand what kind of mother would do this, and belive me, I'm not this judgemental but that is too far.
Officials acted after having hundreds of calls to their hotline and the local protection unit took the girl away from her mother. In my veiw thank god, because like most other people I would say this is abuse.

‘It’s pretty unusual for a mom to be injecting an eight-year-old with Botox and certainly is grounds for an investigation,’ said Trent Rohrer of the San Francisco social services department. 

What is supprising though is the mother is a beautician, you'd think she would have known the risks of botox. She also claimed that she got the idea from other mothers whose daughters took part in beauty pagaents. This is unbelivible that anyone would do that to their child, its putting their lifes at risk!
A director of the California Gold Coast pageants, Barbara Thomas said, I’ve never, ever heard of a child getting that. It’s ridiculous. What would a child have need of Botox for? They don’t have a wrinkle on their face. That woman must be off her rocker.’
I dont think its particuarly healthy for a grown adult to be undergoing botox never mind a growing child, anything could happen to them. That is obvouisly going to make the child think that they aren't good enough or pretty enough. Young people have enough pressure from celebrities to look good never mind from their parents that are ment to love them uncontionally no matter what! I hate to imagine the effets this is going to leave the child in later life. It's too sad to even bare.

Dr Richard Besser, ABC news's chief health and medical editor had said "'As a doctor, if I'd seen this mother, I would be required to report her to protective services because it's maltreatment." Which I totally agree on, it is maltreatment. He also added "Any doctor who would give a parent Botox to administer to their children should lose their license… there's not a state where you don't need to be a licensed doctor or under direct supervision of a doctor to inject this"
Dr Besser said that Botox is used to correct children who are cross-eyed or suffering from some neurological disorders, but not typically for cosmetic reasons because of safety issues.
He added: 'If you inject it in the face and it drifts to your throat, it can prevent you from swallowing. If it drifts to your breathing muscles... you can stop breathing.
'In a young child, if you're chronically using it on the face, it may actually change the shape of your face because your muscles interact with your bones to form what your face eventually looks like.'

So there you have it, the world is going crazy with looking younger and looking good. But just when is it too much though? I'd love to know what you think, so please comment :) xx


  1. Jennifer Baldwin (Mum)17 May 2011 at 15:59

    What a terrific piece of journalism this is toots, it had me gripped from start to finish. I totally agree with you and hope that mother gets a very long sentence indeed, as what she did was not only immoral but also very cruel. Please keep up the great writting and keep developing the writting skills, as I wouldn't like to see talent like this go to waste. Your number one fan.... Mum xxx

  2. Mum's dead right Cally - you pull together the secondary sources with a calm authority and provide an informed and compassionate argument.
    There is a saying "only in America" but there are probably worse equivalents in this country.
    I would love to read more of your thoughts on the subject.
    Mum's dead right Cally, and this talent will not go to waste.
