Thursday 5 May 2011

Teen Love 2nd part

Standing in the doorway was a shocked Harleigh. A tear streamed down her face, because even though she had split with Elijah she still loved him and it was worse that her friend had done this to her.
"Sorry for disturbing you..." she said picking up her phone "I came to get this" she nodded and walked away. She felt as though she had been stabbed in the back.
"Harleigh, wait!" Cassie said bouncing up from the couch running after her friend. "Its not what it looks like!". Harleigh stoped to turn and face Cassie with a sacastic laugh.
"Yeah, its not what it looks like!" she said nodding her head "So tell me Cassie, what on earth is it!" she was begging to get angry now. Cassie looked away and whispered "I'm not sure." Even though Harleigh had seen the couple together a few months ago, she had kept quiet hoping they would come clean. One last chance Harleigh thought smiling to herself. Cassie looked confused at Harleighs smile.
"How long?" Harleigh asked trying to gain eye contact with Cassie. Cassie sighed. Harleighs eye's widened. She had been so naive. "You were the one... you were the one he was caught cheating on me with weren't you!" Cassie shook her head.
"No! I wouldn't do that to you!" Cassie said looking into Harleighs eyes. Harleigh laughed and looked away.
"So how long?!" She asked again looking at Cassie. Cassie took a deep breath.
"A few months." Harleigh nodded her head and started to walk backwards away from Cassie. "I thought we were friends, and I thought you'd tell me anything no matter what!" A tear streamed down her face and turned and walked away. Harleigh had wished for this day, but now it had came she wished it hadn't... but at the same time she felt stronger, she now knew the truth.
Cassie walked into the house even though she could hardly see because she was crying that much. Elijah was sitting with his head in his hands not knowing what to do. Cassie had mentioned that if Harleigh ever found out that would be the last and they would finish. He didn't want that though, he enjoyed being with Cassie. He looked up to see her sliding down the wall onto the carpet and went over to comfort her.
""She hates me Elijah" she said letting him pull her into a cuddle.
"What are we going to do?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her. More tears ran down her cheak as she remembered what she had said if harleigh was to ever find out. She said that before she had actually fallen for him.
"I don't actually know" she wispered.

The next morning Cassie woke, wishing it had all been a dream. Elijah was sitting on a chair next to couch where Cassie was lying. It was a few minutes before either of them spoke.
"I've been thinking, we've don't nothing wrong, its not like I was still with her and she broke up with me." Elijah said. Wow Cassie thought, you've been thinking.
"Yeah, but she only broke up with you because you had been caught with someone else. She loved you and that was hard for her." Cassie said sitting up looking at the TV which was switched on but the sound was on mute. Elijah looked at her.
"I know. Does she know who that was, the mystery girl?" he asked looking at her still. She shook her head.
"No, she asked that last night and I lied to her face. I'm turning into someone even I don't recognise." She said now looking at the wall, thinking of how her friendship with Harleigh used to be.
"You're growing up, things change babe." Elijah said changing seats to sit next to Cassie. "We'll get through this" he added. Cassie looked at him finally and smiled
"I know, its just hard" she said before he kissed her.

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