Tuesday 10 May 2011

True Love 3rd part

Over the next few weeks, things were awkward. People were judging the couple, Harleigh hadn't let them off gently. She told all her friends and everyone had turned against the couple... Especially Cassie. However since they weren't lying anymore it was easier to be a couple, they had each other and they were talking about moving away and making a fresh start. They had moved to Cupar from glenrothes and got a place together which meant the couple could relax and be a real couple. It was December and the two of them were full of silliness and Elijah never failed to make Cassie smile. They were happy.
   As it was December the pair decided to go shopping and the cold air was an excuse for Elijah to put his arm around Cassie  and as usual the couple were in deep conversation and mucking around when the were interrupted as Cassie's eye caught someone she knew. Harleigh.
    Elijah smiled at Cassie and let go of her hand and told her he was going into Argos. This was her time to sort it out with Harleigh.
"Uhm Hi..." Cassie said breaking the ice biting her lip. Harleigh smiled. 
"Still with him then?" Harleigh said  looking at the ground.
"Yeah" Cassie said confused looking at Harleigh.
"Okay, that's good." Harleigh turned to walk away. She didn't expect the couple to still be together after she told everyone. She was jealous.
"Harleigh, wait..." Cassie said but Harleigh turned her head round to look at Cassie.
"Cassie, I've got to go, I'm sorry!" She replied and walked away before Cassie could reply. Cassie stood in shock looking at Harleigh walking away down the street away from her again.
    Thankfully Elijah came out and joined Cassie so it didn't look like she was on her own. But she still felt on her own even with Elijah with her. Elijah was the only person she had, apart from her mum and gran and even then she had moved out of her mums house.
"Come on, lets go home" Elijah sighed grabbing her hand.

Overall December was a good month for Elijah and Cassie. They spent Christmas with Elijah's family and new year with Cassie's family. Cassie found herself opening up more to Elijah and even though she had lost one friend, she felt she had gained one in Elijah. She loved the way he looked at her in a crowded room and winked at her. She loved the way he called her his and when introducing her to people he'd always squeeze her hand for reassurance.
"Cassie! Are you ready yet, the taxi is here!"
It was a cold Friday night in January and the couple were going out to celebrate Cassie getting into do childcare at college. Within minutes Cassie was down the stairs and sorting her handbag at the dining table. Elijah called her again but stopped in mid sentence when he saw her. She was wearing a short black dress with silver shoes to go with her silver handbag that she was putting things into now, and her brunette hair was down and sitting perfect. She looked up and saw him and laughed.
"Catching flies?" she asked smiling at him putting her bag over her shoulder.
"You... look... great" he finally stuttered making Cassie laugh she went and kissed him on the cheek,
"Shall we go?" She said going to the door.
"Yeah, we better" He smiled following her out.
The night as planned, was a romantic dinner. The whole night Cassie felt special. 

The next moring Cassie woke to the sound of Elijahs phone ringing and a slight sound of the shower. She asnwered the phone.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Is Elijah there?" replied the other voice on the end of the phone.
"Uhm no this is his fiance, Elijahs in the shower" she replied looking at the ring on her left hand.
The phone went dead and Cassie thought nothing of it and settled back down in bed thinking of last night.
Elijah had proposed and the couple were in love more than ever now. They had their own place, they were engaged and they had each other. Her thoughts were soon interupted by Elijah throwing himself on the bed.
"Goodmorning!" He said chearfully,
"Morining" she said looking at him in the eyes "What are we doing today?" She said cuddling into him.
"I dont know, but I said to a couple of the guys at work I'd play in the 5 a side team today" he said kissing her head. "Maybe you could go see claire or something?" he added.
"Yeah, thats a good idea! Why didn't I think of that." She exclaimed.
"Sarcasim gets you no where honey. Claire isn't that bad" he said.
"She's posh! And acts like shes better than me. Nah, think I'll go and meet up with mum or something." she said getting up.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer Baldwin (Mum)17 May 2011 at 15:50

    Come on Cally you have me in suspense here, where's part 4? lol Mum xxx
