Tuesday 31 May 2011

NC Media Production - what it has taught me

I have enjoyed this course at college because I have got my confidence up and found a new passion in radio. I enrolled in this course last september it was because I liked writing and photography. Through blogging I have grew as a writer and I enjoy it alot more. Photography I have learned is more than taking photo's, its more of an art which I can enjoy as a hobbie but I don't think I could do it as a job. I really like radio and liked it that much that I started going to K-Town FM in Kinglassie. I like television aswell but ideally I couldn't do it as a job either. I dont get some of the theory. Its not until now that I am truthfully enjoyin television, and I think it is because it is practical and I'm always thinking about new things to do with the camera shots.
Thanks to this course I've met new people who have made this course a lot easier. I've made new friends and the banter between the class makes it easier to get along and this makes it easier to help each other out.  Last semester we had graphics which I enjoyed and secretly wished I had applied to do that with my creative skills because I thurally enjoyed it, but I think my heart belongs to radio :).
Going back to blogging, we only started this subject in January and I really like it because its given me the confience to write things I can't nessisarly say. It's like sharing a diray with everyone (refering back to Cerebal Paulsy) and I wouldn't normally say something but now I think "So what? If people knock you down you get straight back up" something I've learned from being at college from the teachers here. Say I get some bad feedback on something, I've learned to turn it into positive feedback because I know that its something I need to work on, even though it might be hard to take in at times, like the time I was told to go and re-shoot some photo's I really took that to heart but now I know that it was for a reason.
Another thing this course has taught me... Is to be yourself, you'll get no where in life being somebody else because all your doing is lying to yourself. And second to that, I've stopped putting myself down, I have gained confience in myself and I think that I was needing to realise that I can do things that other can do. So the next time someone tells me I can't because of a minor thing, it just makes me want to prove them wrong. I'll just say "Watch me" :).

1 comment:

  1. Positivity is a powerful thing Cally, and you are a shining example.
    Thanks for your honesty, and determination. Watch the spelling as you get passionate - it's not the be all and end all but keep an eye on it in your enthusiasm.
