Thursday 9 June 2011

Most important blogs!

I was asked today to look for five important blogs to me. In all honesty I don't read blogs all that much but one blog close to my heart is "The bravest baby blog". Mainly because its keeps upto date with my friends cousin's illness (neruoblastoma). I like to read how she is getting on and like to know if she there is any latest news! Her blog which was on blogspot can no longer be found, but there is a fan page on facebook which has a blog which my friends aunt writes in reguarlly!

Another blog I think is important is called "Is a blog still important?". It talks about how there is facebook and twitter and how no one really writes blogs anymore instead of putting thoughts into a square box! It talks about the writers passion for writing, just like my passion.

Another blog I came across was design by a girl called Sian Louise. I like it because its about her life and her opioions of things in the world today. Just like I aspire my blog to be like to be honest. It really inspired me

Another is and is about animal science. I like this because I am a great animal lover and it is full of facts about animals and stories about animals

The last blog I came across is "I am single, And You". It inspired me not just because the writer was single and was talking about that but it was a reflecting peice of writing. It talks about when the writer was 18 he was single and now he is 21 and still single. A good piece of reflecting writing I think :)

Tuesday 31 May 2011

NC Media Production - what it has taught me

I have enjoyed this course at college because I have got my confidence up and found a new passion in radio. I enrolled in this course last september it was because I liked writing and photography. Through blogging I have grew as a writer and I enjoy it alot more. Photography I have learned is more than taking photo's, its more of an art which I can enjoy as a hobbie but I don't think I could do it as a job. I really like radio and liked it that much that I started going to K-Town FM in Kinglassie. I like television aswell but ideally I couldn't do it as a job either. I dont get some of the theory. Its not until now that I am truthfully enjoyin television, and I think it is because it is practical and I'm always thinking about new things to do with the camera shots.
Thanks to this course I've met new people who have made this course a lot easier. I've made new friends and the banter between the class makes it easier to get along and this makes it easier to help each other out.  Last semester we had graphics which I enjoyed and secretly wished I had applied to do that with my creative skills because I thurally enjoyed it, but I think my heart belongs to radio :).
Going back to blogging, we only started this subject in January and I really like it because its given me the confience to write things I can't nessisarly say. It's like sharing a diray with everyone (refering back to Cerebal Paulsy) and I wouldn't normally say something but now I think "So what? If people knock you down you get straight back up" something I've learned from being at college from the teachers here. Say I get some bad feedback on something, I've learned to turn it into positive feedback because I know that its something I need to work on, even though it might be hard to take in at times, like the time I was told to go and re-shoot some photo's I really took that to heart but now I know that it was for a reason.
Another thing this course has taught me... Is to be yourself, you'll get no where in life being somebody else because all your doing is lying to yourself. And second to that, I've stopped putting myself down, I have gained confience in myself and I think that I was needing to realise that I can do things that other can do. So the next time someone tells me I can't because of a minor thing, it just makes me want to prove them wrong. I'll just say "Watch me" :).

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Beauty... When is it too much?

Today I read the most horrific thing I have ever read when it comes to beauty and looking good. A mother in America (originally from Birmingham, England) had been giving her eight year old daughter botox injections. Her mother admitted this on the Good Morning show and said she was carrying out the treatments to help her daughter become more competitive in beauty pageants. Her daughter had said that the injections hurt her, but she didn't want any wrinkles! Now this is ridiculous, how many eighteen year olds have wrinkles nevemind eight year olds! I don't understand what kind of mother would do this, and belive me, I'm not this judgemental but that is too far.
Officials acted after having hundreds of calls to their hotline and the local protection unit took the girl away from her mother. In my veiw thank god, because like most other people I would say this is abuse.

‘It’s pretty unusual for a mom to be injecting an eight-year-old with Botox and certainly is grounds for an investigation,’ said Trent Rohrer of the San Francisco social services department. 

What is supprising though is the mother is a beautician, you'd think she would have known the risks of botox. She also claimed that she got the idea from other mothers whose daughters took part in beauty pagaents. This is unbelivible that anyone would do that to their child, its putting their lifes at risk!
A director of the California Gold Coast pageants, Barbara Thomas said, I’ve never, ever heard of a child getting that. It’s ridiculous. What would a child have need of Botox for? They don’t have a wrinkle on their face. That woman must be off her rocker.’
I dont think its particuarly healthy for a grown adult to be undergoing botox never mind a growing child, anything could happen to them. That is obvouisly going to make the child think that they aren't good enough or pretty enough. Young people have enough pressure from celebrities to look good never mind from their parents that are ment to love them uncontionally no matter what! I hate to imagine the effets this is going to leave the child in later life. It's too sad to even bare.

Dr Richard Besser, ABC news's chief health and medical editor had said "'As a doctor, if I'd seen this mother, I would be required to report her to protective services because it's maltreatment." Which I totally agree on, it is maltreatment. He also added "Any doctor who would give a parent Botox to administer to their children should lose their license… there's not a state where you don't need to be a licensed doctor or under direct supervision of a doctor to inject this"
Dr Besser said that Botox is used to correct children who are cross-eyed or suffering from some neurological disorders, but not typically for cosmetic reasons because of safety issues.
He added: 'If you inject it in the face and it drifts to your throat, it can prevent you from swallowing. If it drifts to your breathing muscles... you can stop breathing.
'In a young child, if you're chronically using it on the face, it may actually change the shape of your face because your muscles interact with your bones to form what your face eventually looks like.'

So there you have it, the world is going crazy with looking younger and looking good. But just when is it too much though? I'd love to know what you think, so please comment :) xx

Thursday 12 May 2011

My confidence, thanks to college!

I thought I ought to write a follow up on "Cerbal Palsy my side!" today!  I've been getting told that my confidence is grown and don't get me wrong I always listen to who ever is saying these compliments... but I've never really noticed how confident until I started at K-Town community station! We (The Clan) were online on Tuesday night (10/5/11) and we were getting texts from my friends, and mum who were listening and I didn't let my nerves get the better of me. At the start of the course, I would have let the nerves get the better of me. I like how I am now, and I've finally accepted myself and I don't have a problem with my voice anymore (as long as I don't have to hear it getting played back he he!). Basically I'm writing this to say I don't care. I am who I am and I'll succeed in my life because I believe in myself and I know my family and friends believe in me!

Not only that, blogging has given me the power to fall in love with writing all over again! Its became my second passion alongside radio being my first! I've actually had to guts to put one of my stories on my blog.
I just hope anyone with any disability reads this and this helps. If you get told you can't do something... PROVE THEM WRONG - just like I'm doing. Yes... you need determination, but it'll be worth it, won't it?

To be perfectly honest with you, and this is the last I will write about it - I think people need to educate them self's on disability's instead of making fun of something they know nothing about. Things some people say, you can shrug of, but some of it stays with you for a while... that's when you have to learn to stick up for yourself and ignore people who's ignorant enough to make fun of someone who's "Different". Every one's different, just some more than others! I hate the word normal because no-one (in my eyes) knows what normal is. So I'll admit now, I'm not normal but I'm not weird either... I'm unique, just like everybody else!

And I know my confidence has grown, because I've had the confidence to write this, no matter what... I want to get my side of the story clear. :)

Tuesday 10 May 2011

True Love 3rd part

Over the next few weeks, things were awkward. People were judging the couple, Harleigh hadn't let them off gently. She told all her friends and everyone had turned against the couple... Especially Cassie. However since they weren't lying anymore it was easier to be a couple, they had each other and they were talking about moving away and making a fresh start. They had moved to Cupar from glenrothes and got a place together which meant the couple could relax and be a real couple. It was December and the two of them were full of silliness and Elijah never failed to make Cassie smile. They were happy.
   As it was December the pair decided to go shopping and the cold air was an excuse for Elijah to put his arm around Cassie  and as usual the couple were in deep conversation and mucking around when the were interrupted as Cassie's eye caught someone she knew. Harleigh.
    Elijah smiled at Cassie and let go of her hand and told her he was going into Argos. This was her time to sort it out with Harleigh.
"Uhm Hi..." Cassie said breaking the ice biting her lip. Harleigh smiled. 
"Still with him then?" Harleigh said  looking at the ground.
"Yeah" Cassie said confused looking at Harleigh.
"Okay, that's good." Harleigh turned to walk away. She didn't expect the couple to still be together after she told everyone. She was jealous.
"Harleigh, wait..." Cassie said but Harleigh turned her head round to look at Cassie.
"Cassie, I've got to go, I'm sorry!" She replied and walked away before Cassie could reply. Cassie stood in shock looking at Harleigh walking away down the street away from her again.
    Thankfully Elijah came out and joined Cassie so it didn't look like she was on her own. But she still felt on her own even with Elijah with her. Elijah was the only person she had, apart from her mum and gran and even then she had moved out of her mums house.
"Come on, lets go home" Elijah sighed grabbing her hand.

Overall December was a good month for Elijah and Cassie. They spent Christmas with Elijah's family and new year with Cassie's family. Cassie found herself opening up more to Elijah and even though she had lost one friend, she felt she had gained one in Elijah. She loved the way he looked at her in a crowded room and winked at her. She loved the way he called her his and when introducing her to people he'd always squeeze her hand for reassurance.
"Cassie! Are you ready yet, the taxi is here!"
It was a cold Friday night in January and the couple were going out to celebrate Cassie getting into do childcare at college. Within minutes Cassie was down the stairs and sorting her handbag at the dining table. Elijah called her again but stopped in mid sentence when he saw her. She was wearing a short black dress with silver shoes to go with her silver handbag that she was putting things into now, and her brunette hair was down and sitting perfect. She looked up and saw him and laughed.
"Catching flies?" she asked smiling at him putting her bag over her shoulder.
"You... look... great" he finally stuttered making Cassie laugh she went and kissed him on the cheek,
"Shall we go?" She said going to the door.
"Yeah, we better" He smiled following her out.
The night as planned, was a romantic dinner. The whole night Cassie felt special. 

The next moring Cassie woke to the sound of Elijahs phone ringing and a slight sound of the shower. She asnwered the phone.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Is Elijah there?" replied the other voice on the end of the phone.
"Uhm no this is his fiance, Elijahs in the shower" she replied looking at the ring on her left hand.
The phone went dead and Cassie thought nothing of it and settled back down in bed thinking of last night.
Elijah had proposed and the couple were in love more than ever now. They had their own place, they were engaged and they had each other. Her thoughts were soon interupted by Elijah throwing himself on the bed.
"Goodmorning!" He said chearfully,
"Morining" she said looking at him in the eyes "What are we doing today?" She said cuddling into him.
"I dont know, but I said to a couple of the guys at work I'd play in the 5 a side team today" he said kissing her head. "Maybe you could go see claire or something?" he added.
"Yeah, thats a good idea! Why didn't I think of that." She exclaimed.
"Sarcasim gets you no where honey. Claire isn't that bad" he said.
"She's posh! And acts like shes better than me. Nah, think I'll go and meet up with mum or something." she said getting up.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Teen Love 2nd part

Standing in the doorway was a shocked Harleigh. A tear streamed down her face, because even though she had split with Elijah she still loved him and it was worse that her friend had done this to her.
"Sorry for disturbing you..." she said picking up her phone "I came to get this" she nodded and walked away. She felt as though she had been stabbed in the back.
"Harleigh, wait!" Cassie said bouncing up from the couch running after her friend. "Its not what it looks like!". Harleigh stoped to turn and face Cassie with a sacastic laugh.
"Yeah, its not what it looks like!" she said nodding her head "So tell me Cassie, what on earth is it!" she was begging to get angry now. Cassie looked away and whispered "I'm not sure." Even though Harleigh had seen the couple together a few months ago, she had kept quiet hoping they would come clean. One last chance Harleigh thought smiling to herself. Cassie looked confused at Harleighs smile.
"How long?" Harleigh asked trying to gain eye contact with Cassie. Cassie sighed. Harleighs eye's widened. She had been so naive. "You were the one... you were the one he was caught cheating on me with weren't you!" Cassie shook her head.
"No! I wouldn't do that to you!" Cassie said looking into Harleighs eyes. Harleigh laughed and looked away.
"So how long?!" She asked again looking at Cassie. Cassie took a deep breath.
"A few months." Harleigh nodded her head and started to walk backwards away from Cassie. "I thought we were friends, and I thought you'd tell me anything no matter what!" A tear streamed down her face and turned and walked away. Harleigh had wished for this day, but now it had came she wished it hadn't... but at the same time she felt stronger, she now knew the truth.
Cassie walked into the house even though she could hardly see because she was crying that much. Elijah was sitting with his head in his hands not knowing what to do. Cassie had mentioned that if Harleigh ever found out that would be the last and they would finish. He didn't want that though, he enjoyed being with Cassie. He looked up to see her sliding down the wall onto the carpet and went over to comfort her.
""She hates me Elijah" she said letting him pull her into a cuddle.
"What are we going to do?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her. More tears ran down her cheak as she remembered what she had said if harleigh was to ever find out. She said that before she had actually fallen for him.
"I don't actually know" she wispered.

The next morning Cassie woke, wishing it had all been a dream. Elijah was sitting on a chair next to couch where Cassie was lying. It was a few minutes before either of them spoke.
"I've been thinking, we've don't nothing wrong, its not like I was still with her and she broke up with me." Elijah said. Wow Cassie thought, you've been thinking.
"Yeah, but she only broke up with you because you had been caught with someone else. She loved you and that was hard for her." Cassie said sitting up looking at the TV which was switched on but the sound was on mute. Elijah looked at her.
"I know. Does she know who that was, the mystery girl?" he asked looking at her still. She shook her head.
"No, she asked that last night and I lied to her face. I'm turning into someone even I don't recognise." She said now looking at the wall, thinking of how her friendship with Harleigh used to be.
"You're growing up, things change babe." Elijah said changing seats to sit next to Cassie. "We'll get through this" he added. Cassie looked at him finally and smiled
"I know, its just hard" she said before he kissed her.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Teen Love!

This story will get updated from time to time, I promise, I've wrote loads of it! :)

Standing at the park Cassie knew she was taking a risk. Every two minutes or so, she would check her phone to see if he had called. Nothing.
After a few minutes she spotted a figure walking towards her. Was it him? Her stomach started to spin and she started to smile when the figure waved. She walked to meet this person which turned out to be a guy. It was him. When they finally met, the hugged each other. Cassie remember where she was and pulled away.
"What?" the guy asked that looked about 19 or 20 going in for a kiss when Cassie pushed him away.
"I... I can't do this" she replied looking at the ground. He smiled.
"I know" he replied looking around. "We better go before anyone sees" he cheekily said with a wink. Cassie took a step back.
"No, I mean..." She took a deep breath "We can't do this Elijah, what if she finds out." She glanced at Elijah. He smiled. "She won't" He grabbed her hand and she pulled it away.
"She's my best friend Elijah!" Cassie replied, looking at him. Elijah laughed.
"Yeah, and some best friend you are. Don't let her get in between us babe." He smiled at her, and moved the hair out her face. She sighed and looked at the ground. She knew he was right, but she was sick of sneaking around and  lying to her best friend, Harleigh who had broke up with Elijah a few months ago. Cassie didn't like the idea of telling Harleigh about Elijah and Cassie being an item, she didn't want to hurt her, but also she liked the sneaking around. It felt exciting.
"I suppose" she replied, looking to the ground. Elijah smiled at her.
"Are we going back to mine then" he replied with his cheeky smile. She nodded and followed him back to his.
By the time Cassie got home it was 7pm, and remembered her mum was away for the weekend with something to do with her work and started to look for her keys in her bag. When she got them, she noticed Harleigh walking up the path smiling. "This is awkward" Cassie thought but instead smiled and said "Hi"
"Been anywhere nice?"Harleigh replied, meeting up with Cassie at the door.
"No, just seeing my gran for a bit" Cassie replied avoiding eye contact worried Harleigh knew something. Still she nodded her head to the door. "Coming in?" she asked smiling at Harleigh, even though her heart was beating fast against her chest. She was really hating this lying thing.
"Yeah, why not?" Harleigh smiled stepping in the house.
 In the house Cassie put her bag on the dining table and pulled her brush out it and started to brush her shoulder lengh brunette hair into a neat ponytail.
"So, what have you been up to today?" she asked still fusing over her hair that Harleigh was jealous of because it was poker straight.
"Well. Nothing..." Harleigh replied crossing her legs on the couch, "Was meant to work tonight, but Mark phoned me and said I wasn't needed." She continued with a sigh watching Cassie who was finally pleased with her look and was now sitting beside her friend on the couch looking confused.
"It's a Friday... and your not needed... weird" she said with one eyebrow raised. Harleigh giggled
"I know right?" she said to Cassie's confusion.
Before the girls knew it, it was half ten at night and Harleigh thought she better go home as she had to be up early for a driving lesson in the morning. Both girls said their goodbyes to each other which set Cassie's heart beating fast as she saw Elijah ducking into a ally way. She hoped Harleigh hadn't seen and it appeared she didn't. Harliegh said her last goodbye and put her earphone's in and headed away while Cassie shut the door. Taking a deep break Cassie tried to calm her nerves. What if Harleigh had seen? What would Cassie say? By the time Cassie had calmed down there was a knock at the door. She opened it to be greeted by an excited Elijah.
"Wow! That was close!" he exclaimed pulling her waist and kissing her neck. Cassie tried not to giggle and pulled away.
"What are you doing here!" she hissed looking around. He lightly ran his fingers up and down her arms and smiled.
"Well... I had to see you, and didn't think it'd be a big deal since your mum's away" he whispered and winked at her. She smiled.
"You'd better come in then hadn't you then?" Just then Elijah picked her up and she swung her legs round his waist as he walked in the house and she kicked the door closed. Ending up on the couch, the couple started to kiss. But suddenly the pair was disturbed, and jumped apart looking at the living room entrance!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Twillight Obsession!

I know what your gonna say just by the title... "Omg! You like twilight?" And my reply is "I love twilight." The saga was first brought to my attention when "Twilight" was realesed on dvd. I liked it soo much that I started to read the books. I feel in love. Its the way Stephenie Meyer writes, (another of my favorite authours). I get so involved in the books, I can't physically put them down.
     For anybody who doesn't know what the "Twilight saga" is, it's a love story between your averege girl Bella Swan and a vampire Edward Cullen who fall in love. What I like about it is although I have seen the films (Twilight, new moon and Eclipse) the books are better because they have more detail and you get a picture in your head of what is actually going on.
       My favourite character is Edward Cullen overall but because of the film "Twilight, Eclipse" I also like Jasper Cullen who is Edward's adopted brother.
Edward Cullen

Jasper Cullen
                    I also love Alice Cullen because she is so girly and looks like she'd be fun to be around.
Alice Cullen
Stephanie Meyer is author who I love mainly for the twilight saga. I like her language and her writing that makes the reader involved with what is going on in the story. Another author who has inspired me to write my own stories. =) xx

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Jacqueline Wilson - The idol of my childhood.

I loved reading when I was younger. A geek? Not at all. I used to see my gran every week with a diffrent book and wish I could read as fast as she did cos it took me a couple of weeks to read one book. The first author I can remember reading was Jacqueline Wilson and the book was "Dustin Baby". I read it in primary 4 in a class group and liked it that much that I started reading more books buy Wilson. I remember even readiong the popular "Tracy Beaker" and even watching the childrens shows.
What I like about Jacquline is that children can relate to the charcters because she focuses on realism. Many of her themes have concentrated on abuse, greif, devorice, foster care and many more!

" I want to write to every age group, in a way that can prepare them for what happens in the real world, and raise the awareness levels of many life changing situations. I want to be a friend, really."
Jacquline Wilson

Some of my favorite books by Jacquline Wilson were Tracy Beaker, Bad Girls, Dustin Baby, Viky Angel, The Dimond Girls, Love lessons and Best friends. I also like the designs on the cover on the books and the illstrations in the books by Nick Sharrat.
I still love Wilson's work because it was her stories that inspired me to write when I was younger :)

Thursday 24 March 2011

Rasing Awarness- Eatting disorders!

Anorexia andBulimia. Out of these two conditions I know of both, but how many do you know about? These conditions are serious and I think personally the media has a part to play with young people wanting to be dare I say "Perfect". Only what is perfect? What is normal? Can anybody actualy define these terms? Thought not.
Anorexia is a serious eatting disorder of people who think the need to lose weight and refuse to stay at a healthy body weight. It affects your physical and mental health and you start to think that it is the only thing you can control but no matter how skinny you become its never good enough. This disorder is a serious and sometimes a deadly eatting disorder!
What supprises me is the Anorexia isn't about weight or food. It is more about deeper emotions such as depression, insecurity and pressure to be perfect. Again backs up my thought. Young people want to be perfect with magazines talking about the latest people in the celebrity world who's lost this much weight and that much weight.
Anorexia affects your whole body! It can also cause long-term serious complications aswell such as
  • osteoporosis (weakening of the bones)

  • Kidney disease

  • Heart failure

  • Very serious and another thing that is heartbreaking is the fact that the person needs to admit to needing help before they can get help.
    Bulimia on the other hand is an illness which a person binges on food and uses methods such as vomiting or laxitive abuse to prevent weight gain. What dosen't supprise me is that many people with this illness may have anorexia. Again the same factors apply depression, insecurity, trauma and again the pressure to be perfect. Symptoms include:-
    • Compulsive exercising
    • Evidence of discarded packaging for laxatives, diet pills, emetics (drugs that induce vomiting), or diuretics (drugs that reduce fluids, also called water pills)
    • Regularly going to the bathroom right after meals
    • Suddenly eating large amounts of food or buying large quantities of food that disappear right away
    People with bulimia rarely need to be hospitalised, however if the person is in the following condtions they will be:
    • Binge-purge cycles have led to anorexia
    • Drugs are needed for withdrawal from purging
    • Major depression is present
    If you think you suspect anyone with an eatting disorder its hard but you need to get through to them some how to get them help.

    Tuesday 22 March 2011

    Bruno Mars!

    Bruno Mars is one of my favourite artists! He became recognised after his vocals and co-writing on the song "Nothin on you" by B.O.B and "Billionare" by Travie McCoy. He also co-wrote songs such as "Right round" by Flo Rider and "Forget you" by Cee Lo Green.
     In october 2010 he released his album "Doo woops and hooligans" realeasing singles "Just the way you are" and "Grenade" which made me a big Bruno Mars fan! I love the lyrics and the tune to these songs! They're so catchy :D!
    He got his stage name from his fathers nickname and adding "Mars" at the end. This reason was because,
    "I felt like I didn't have [any] pizzazz, and a lot of girls say I’m out of this world, so I was like I guess I'm from Mars."
    Overall I just wanted to mention my favorite singer in my blog because I've listened to him non stop for ages and everytime I hear one of his songs I go hyper like the time I was in "Tesco" with my friend Craig and Bruno Mars came on the radio I think it was "Grenade"! Good times :) xx

    Tuesday 15 March 2011

    Fired over Japan Disaster!

    It has been reported that Gilbert Gottfried was fired by Aflac. The Aflac star who does the voice of the duck on the Aflack commecial had put jokes about the disater on Twitter! The insurance company wasn't impressed with the jokes on the Japanesse disaster and fired Gottfried.

    However apparently Gottfried knew he was in the wrong and removed the tweets but however it was too late because The Huffington Post picked up on the blogs.

    Myself I think this is shocking to even think of making jokes of it by speech nevermind broadcasting it on the internet! I wouldn't of thought this was a laughing matter to be honest with you.

    A photo of the devistaion left behind!
    These graphics are shocking and I just don't see how people can still see the "humour". For example when typing into google the word "Japan" the third suggestion down is "Japan Tsunami Jokes", why would anyone actually want to make jokes about this devastation where people have lost lives, homes and familys I just hope you would think before you speak when it come to a subject as serious as this!

    Thursday 3 March 2011

    Cerebral Palsy, my side!

    Different: able to be distinguished, unlike, of other nature.
    Disability: thing or lack that prevents one’s doing something.
    Disable: make unable
    Retard: make slow or late, delay progress or development.
    Spastic: (person) suffering from cerebral palsy, with tonic spasm of muscles.
    (Commonly known as Spas)
    Now you ask, why have I written those words and their meanings? My reply is… I’m letting you into why I am who I am today.  I was born with mild cerebral palsy (although it doesn’t feel like it sometimes.) however although my friends and family treat me no different doesn’t mean that other people do. I’ve been called a retard and a spastic. Fair enough. If you know their actual meaning.  Fair enough I am a retard, but I bet I can come back with a quicker name for you next time you call me it. Just because a person may be slow in actions doesn’t mean their brains slow. Cerebral palsy is a condition to do with the muscles just because a person may be slow in actions doesn’t mean their brains slow. Cerebral palsy just means that your muscles are weaker than everybody else’s. I’m sick of getting stereotyped. You can’t do this, and you can’t do that! That really knocks your confidence! It doesn’t annoy me anymore though, it annoys my family and friends more, and I just laugh it off.
                    However all the negativity in my life disappeared when I left school! I left school with a dream of going to college to be a journalist. My first weeks of college taught me not to be afraid of trying new things and now my dream is to go into study radio. That’s something I would never have thought about back in high school because I’d have someone laughing or telling me “you can’t do that” when this is my life and I can only  make of it what I want of it. No one can stop me and no one can get me where I want to go it’s up to me. I know there’ll be obstacles to make me stop and think (there always is in life, in every situation) but I’ll get through it. What this all coming to? Confidence, being able to stand up to people and telling them you can do it. The point of this is everyone tell’s you when you’re younger “You can be what you want to be.” And I’m telling you now… it’s true! Whether you have a disability or not. Disability means that you may not be able to do something, if you can’t do it try something different. For example what put me of journalism was the short hand- I can’t write fast never mind write shorthand. So I decided radio then I thought of my voice then was informed by a lot of people no one like’s their own voice and as long as I speak clearly… I’m fine. 
    The main thing is, you can be whoever you want to be, different is good. I love being different but that’s my personality too. I now laugh if someone tells’s me I can’t do something because of my disability and everyone else can because it makes me more determined to prove them wrong. So you want proved wrong about something, tell me I can’t do something! This is who I am today because I can only be the best I can be and if that means laughing at the bullies that’s what I’ll do. I’m not going to deny it hurts, all I’m saying is that it has made a stronger person inside and that’s why I always see the brighter side.

    Tuesday 1 March 2011

    Glee taking over our telvisions?

    Glee has taken over in the UK. The US hit show is becoming more popular with celebrites also staring in also such as Britney spears and Gwinith palrto. What I like about glee is that they cover songs and I like what they do with them. I love'd the mash up song "singing in the rain" and rhianna's "umbrella". I really like what they done with it and loved the dancing also with the rain on the stage and the umbrellas!
    Cast dancing to their version of singing in the rain.
     What I also like about glee is the relationship formed between the characters and the veiwers! We as the audiance feel like we know the characters. I was particularly upset when because of bulling one of the characters has left the glee club and gone to another school because he had been bullied because he was openly gay and the person whom was bulling him was threatened by him. I think it is well done that the story writers of glee had choosen to do the topic of bullying because it does happen escpecially in high school!
    Chris Colfer, as glee's Kurt Hummel
    Chris had won a golden globe for best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a series. I remember I heard that and I was so pleased for him. He deserved it, for his role. Its a difficult role to play when it comes to bullying. What helps though is the actor is reportadly openly gay and was bullied at high school but to come and act that all over again is amazing and bring the show together. He is my favorite character overall but im disapointed he left Mckinley high school to enroll in a private school because of his bullying.
